Focus - Paroles en situation A1-B2 - 9782014016000 - front cover

Focus - Paroles en situation A1-B2 + audio CD

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Focus - Paroles en situation A1-B2

→ This "all-in-one" reference and training book allows you to practice oral French using many real-life situations:
To work independently or in class, and book offers many pragmatic oral documents from real life.
The student acquires or strengthens his skills in written reception and production , enabling him to deal with concrete and authentic everyday situations.
The book allows you to understand and appropriate the language elements to be reused in a situation , with an approach to oral documents in 3 stages: discovery and understanding; reflection and appropriation; action or interaction
A transversal lexicon and by situation at the end of the chapter to facilitate memorization

→ The book offers 250 activities and includes:
a CD with more than 100 MP3 audio documents
a booklet of transcriptions and corrections
free access to the Parcours digital® offering the 250 activities of the book in digital format with integrated audio (PC/Mac readable)

Published in 2015, paperback, 176 pages.

ISBN 9782014016000

Authors - Véronique Laurens, Elisabeth Guimbretiere

Publisher - Hachette

  • Publisher  Hachette
  • ISBN  9782014016000